During this time of year we are particularly reminded to give thanks for all the blessings we have and to show gratitude to those that have paved the way before us. I have also been particularly grateful for the family and friends that have visited us over the past week and who have provided Emily and I much needed support. Of course, I am most thankful for my wife and all that she does for me on a continual basis.
While many of you might share the above sentiments about family and friends you might not have thought of the potential health benefits of gratitude. For example, in one study those that focused on gratitude in the form of keeping a gratitude journal saw their doctor less and exercised more than those that focused on aggression. (1) Gratitude is also associated with:
Gratitude and happiness starts by changing your thoughts in the here and now. Each day you have the opportunity to focus on empowering thoughts and eliminate those that will hinder your way. Let me know your thoughts on gratitude. Visit the home page for more information on Murdock Health and our services or call 214-929-2411 to schedule an appointment today. We are now open. 1. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2003: 84(2); 377-389 (PDF) 2. American Journal of Cardiology 1995 Nov 15;76(14):1089-93
![]() A common assertion in the US is that heavy consumption of Turkey meat is associated with drowsiness due to high levels of Tryptophan in the Turkey. However, the same association has not been made with other meats and/or foods and many of them have similar quantities of Tryptophan. For example, pork and cheese have more Tryptophan per gram than does Turkey. (1) It is more likely that the cause of Thanksgiving meal-inducing lethargy is related to the excessive size of the meal and amount of carbohydrates that are consumed. Larger meals reduce blood flow to the brain and significant consumption of carbohydrates are associated with lethargy. (1) So how can you avoid the post-meal effects of Thanksgiving dinner? It's simple. Start by moderating the size of the meal and decreasing your alcohol and carbohydrate intake. That's it. Let me know if this works for you this Thanksgiving. Visit the home page for more information on Murdock Health and our services or call 214-929-2411 to schedule an appointment today. References: 1. Vreeman, Rachel. Medical Myths. BMJ. 2007 Dec 22; 335(7633): 1288–1289. Why won't my doctor see me for more than 5 minutes?
Why can't I see my doctor for 2 months? Why doesn't my doctor focus on preventing illness? Why does my doctor always make me go to the office for everything? The answer to all these questions is simple. The reason why you are not getting the care that you need is that your doctor doesn't get paid to address these issues and because your Insurance company or the federal government gets in the way. The high overhead in traditional family practice clinics means that the typical doctor needs to see 25-35+ patients/day to break even. That translates into very little time for you and long waits in the waiting room. This also means that the doctor has too little time with you to discuss emotional/mental concerns or preventative medicine. They only have time to prescribe you a medicine and move on. In addition, insurance doesn't typically reimburse doctors for preventative medicine services like weight loss and diet counseling. This means that the type of medicine you get is almost always reactionary and not preventative which is exactly the opposite of what I feel the role of a health practitioner should be. I also personally think that 80-90% of medical issues and preventative medicine could be handled remotely over the phone or email. Why hasn't your doctor introduced these options? Once again the answer is your insurance company. Your doctors keeps bringing you to the office because insurance companies only pay for "office visits". This leaves you forced to take valuable time out of your day to address issues that could have been addressed remotely and at your convenience. Your doctor is also not reimbursed for calls or afterhours service so it is typically impossible to talk to your doctor about urgent issues after hours. It is because of these issues and many more that I have started MurdockHealth. It is my goal to spend more time with patients at a lower cost and in a manner that is convenient for them. I want to spend the majority of my time focused on preventative medicine and not reactionary medicine. I also want to be available to my patients 24/7. They can call me whenever they need me. If this sounds like the type of practice you want then please call 214-929-2411 or check out some the benefits or services pages on this website. ![]() Are you tired of dealing with warts either personally or with your children? If so, I have put together some basic information and treatment strategies to keep in mind. Common skin warts are raised round or oval growths. Some warts may have tiny dots in them called seeds which are clotted blood vessels. Warts are caused by skin that is infected with HPV (Human Papillomavirus) through direct contact. HPV more commonly infects injured skin. It can take up to six months after exposure to HPV to develop a wart. Warts are commonly seen on fingers, hands, knees, and elbows. They can also be found in the feet or genital area. Should you seek treatment? That depends on how much they bother you. About two-thirds of skin warts will resolve on their own in two years. What are some common treatments? 1. Salicylic Acid - Is a type of acid that is directly applied to the wart. First soak the area for 10 - 20 minutes to soften the skin. Apply the acid at bedtime and leave in place overnight. You should continue treatment for one to two weeks after the wart is gone to make sure that the virus is eradicated. 2. Duct Tape - It is unclear if it works or why. Cover the skin and leave in place for six days. Then remove the tape, soak the skin in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes and use emery board or pumice stone to gently slough off dead skin. Then reapply the tape. Most people who find duct tape useful have resolution in four weeks. 3. Liquid Nitrogen - Destroys warts by freezing the skin. Multiple treatments are often necessary. After treatment most people heal in 4 - 7 days. 4. Cantharidin - Liquid applied to wart that is applied by the healthcare provider. May be useful for children as it causes no pain initially. 5. Shave Excision - Involves removing the skin with a blade after injecting local anesthesia. 6. 5-Fluorouracil - Cream used to treat wars. Applied twice daily for three to fine weeks. 7. Imiquimod - Cream that stimulates the immune system to eliminate the wart. Applied at bedtime several times per week. When should you seek help? Consult a healthcare provider if:
Let me know what you think or if you have found any other treatments to be useful in the comments below. Of course, each individual case is different and the advice in this post should not substitute for getting a consultation with your doctor. Visit the home page for more information on Murdock Health and our services or call 214-929-2411 to schedule an appointment today. ![]() Emily and I recently used Spaghetti Squash in place of the standard wheat spaghetti in our pasta dish. It was actually quite excellent and the best part was that the squash remained perfect over the next couple days after being in the refrigerator. The recipe for squash with shrimp from this blog looks tasty but you can do many different dishes including traditional squash spaghetti with tomato sauce. I highly recommend this as an alternative to wheat. Let me know if you have tried spaghetti squash and if there are any particular recipes that you enjoy. Visit the home page to learn more about Murdock Health. |
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June 2022