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Doctor/SIck VISIT $60
Acute illness, Primary care, Weight loss and more
Come in to be seen for routine family medical care, illness, primary care, hormone replacement, weight loss, and more. The office visit is still $60 (excluding additional services). We also offer vitamin B12, vitamin D, and multivitamin shots.
Recent articles
Have you noticed depression, erectile dysfunction, an increase in fat mass, fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, or sleep problems?...Read More>>>
Are you trying to lose weight and getting stuck? Find out why and what my top ten ways to potentially break through are!..Read More>>>
Focusing on future potential positive events that you would like to have happen can help overcome the urge to satisfy short term urges...Read More>>>
After discussing weight loss, depression, anxiety, and addictive patterns with patients I have noticed that we are all full of excuses when it comes to making changes in our lives...Read More>>>
When I think about how many blessings I have in my life at any one moment I usually can find at least 99 things that are going good for every one thing that is perceived as inconvenient...Read More>>
The first thing to realize is that you are a unique and special person capable of changing your patterns of behavior....Read More>>>
I am often asked by patients why I don't seem to get ill even when I am constantly exposed to sick people. While I do still get sick, I have developed some strategies that seem to have helped me stay healthier....Read More>>>
I recently visited Dr. Keehn, an excellent garland ophthalmologist, for an updated comprehensive dilated eye exam.....Read More>>>
Removing the obstacles to better health
It all starts with breaking down barriers that make no sense
24/7 Access to the physician. Stay out of the ER or the doctors office unless you really need it.
See you without an office visit. Talk to the doctor via phone or email. Short or Long. Visits can be as short as 5 minutes or as long as 1 hour. You get what you need. |
Transparent Pricing. Know what the fees will be beforehand with no surprise bills in the mail.
Timely appointments. See us the same day or the next business day for urgent medical needs. Discounts. Access to near wholesale prices on labs, imaging, and drugs. |
Scenario #1:
"Joe" has a high-deductible insurance plan and is paying $20/month for prescription medications. He sees his doctor 3 times per year for short visits and gets labs twice yearly. His total for the visits and labs is conservatively $600/year. Total cost: $840/year. Murdock Health Cost with unlimited office visits/preventative health focus and wholesale drug prices: $600/year. Amount saved: $240/year. |
Scenario #2:
"Mary" and "Jim" and their 2 children go to the doctor for a total of 10 times in a year for sick visits and physicals. Their co-pay and out of pocket costs with their "excellent" insurance is $2000. They spend $200/year on prescriptions. Total cost: $2200/year. Murdock Health Cost for the whole family with phone/email access, free physicals, and wholesale drug prices: $1500/year. Amount saved: $700/year. |
Simplified and Upfront Fees
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